Publikationen 2018


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Ergebnisse: 33 | Alle Ergebnisse in RWTH-Publications ansehen

Geologische 3D-Modellierung der Steinsalzlagerstätte Braunschweig-Lüneburg : ein Beitrag zur nachhaltigen Nutzung einer komplexen Steinsalzlagerstätte
Dissertation / PhD Thesis (2018)
Buxbaum-Conradi, Christian
Lottermoser, Bernd Georg
Zeibig, Silvio
Exkursionsbericht Kanada 2018
Report (Brochure) (2018)
Lottermoser, Bernd G.
Barnewold, Lars
Weimer, Lucas Philipp
Braun, Marius
Suppes, Rudolf
Hauck, Lara Amelie
Knobloch, Marjan
Weimer, Simon
Optimizing Mine Planning and Mine Operation with the Use of Real-Time Data
Conference Presentation (After Call) (2018)
Barnewold, Lars
Hornung, Johannes
Blue mining - planning the mining of seafloor manganese nodules
Dissertation / PhD Thesis (2018)
Volkmann, Sebastian Ernst
Lottermoser, Bernd Georg
Kukla, Peter A.
Abstract volume : First International Conference Mines of the Future, AIMS 2018, Aachen International Mining Symposia 23 - 24 May 2018
Proceedings (2018)
SafeMine PhD-Programme - Educating the Mine Health and Safety Workforce of Tomorrow
Journal Article (2018)
Hutwalker, Alexander
Binder, Angela
Langefeld, Oliver
Galler, Robert
Johansson, Jan
Weimer, Lucas Philipp
Braun, Tobias
Lottermoser, Bernd G.
Selected Papers from the 1st International Conference : Mines of the Future
Book (2018)
The Influence of Spectral Interferences on Critical Element Determination with Portable X-Ray Fluorescence (pXRF)
Journal Article (2018)
Gallhofer, Daniela
Lottermoser, Bernd G.
AIMS 2018, Conference fostered international exchange on "Mines of the Future"
Journal Article (Review Article) (2018)
Development of a Strategic Mine Plan for a Flexible Switch-on Switch-off Mining System in Steeply Dipping Deposits
Abstract (2018)
Konzept eines mikroskaligen Mess- und Auswertungsverfahrens von diffusen Feinstaubimmissionen zur Ermittlung von Emissionsraten
Dissertation / PhD Thesis (2018)
Schiffer, Jan
Martens, Per Nicolai
Wotruba, Hermann
Bauer, Mathias Jürgen
Sulfidic ores of the Rio Tinto copper deposit, Iberian Pyrite Belt, Spain: Resources of critical raw materials?
Abstract (2018)
Wierzbicka-Wieczorek, Maria
Lottermoser, Bernd G.
Scoping criticality indicators for battery raw materials
Abstract (2018)
Weimer, Lucas Philipp
Braun, Tobias
Formation and modification of apparently I-type granites as part of a large S-type granite in the Damara orogen (Namibia)
Abstract (2018)
Schwark, Lisa
Jung, S.
Hauff, F.
Garbe-Schönberg, D.
Berndt, J.
Prediction of the acid and metalliferous drainage-forming potential for the Gorazde antimony deposit, Bosnia-Herzegovina
Abstract (2018)
Knobloch, Marjan
Lottermoser, Bernd G.
Assessment of airborne particulate pollution around surface quarries: Reliable quantification of mineral dust emissions and deposition
Abstract (2018)
Hennig, Alexander
Freer, Justus
Platinum-group metal resources of Indonesia
Abstract (2018)
Hauck, Lara Amelie
Lottermoser, Bernd G.
Virtual Reality in education of prospective young mineral resources engineering professionals
Abstract (2018)
Hauck, Lara Amelie
Suppes, Rudolf
Braun, Marius
Lottermoser, Bernd G.
Quantitative analysis of critical elements in geological materials using portable X-ray fluorescence (pXRF) spectrometers
Abstract (2018)
Gallhofer, Daniela
Lottermoser, Bernd G.
Potentials for belt conveyor application in German hard-rock open pit mines
Abstract (2018)
Ventilation systems for future mining operations
Abstract (2018)
Braun, Marius
Freer, Justus
A discrete-event simulation approach to improve decision-making in production planning
Abstract (2018)
Development of a mine plan for a flexible switch-on switch-off mining sytem in steeply diping deposits
Abstract (2018)
Barnewold, Lars
Braun, Tobias
Mines of the future
Abstract (2018)
A Differential Evolution based approach for the production scheduling of open pit mines with or without the condition of grade uncertainty
Journal Article (2018)
Khan, Asif
Niemann-Delius, Christian
Technikentwicklung in der Grubensicherheit
Book (2018)
Junker, Martin
Wesely, Reinhard
Steffes, Rolf
Balz, Rüdiger
Brandt, Joachim
Achilles, Peter
Faber, Michael
Indium in metalliferous mine wastes of the Iberian Pyrite Belt
Journal Article (2018)
Wierzbicka-Wieczorek, Maria
Lottermoser, Bernd G.
Oxide chemistry and fluid inclusion constraints on the formation of itabirite-hosted iron ore deposits at the eastern border of the southern Espinhaço Range, Brazil
Journal Article (2018)
Gomes, Sylvio D.
Berger, Sarah
Figueiredo e Silva, R. C.
Hagemann, Steffen G.
Rosière, Carlos A.
Banks, David A.
Lobato, Lydia M.
Hensler, Ana-Sophie
70 Jahre World of Mining
Journal Article (2018)
A comprehensive approach for a techno-economic assessment of nodule mining in the deep sea
Journal Article (Review Article) (2018)
Volkmann, Sebastian Ernst
Kuhn, Thomas
Lehnen, Felix
Entwicklung pneumatischer Lade- und Fördersysteme für das konventionelle Schachtabteufen
Dissertation / PhD Thesis (2017)
Kratz, Thorsten
Martens, Per Nicolai
Nienhaus, Karl
Handbuch oberflächennahe Geothermie
Book (2018)
Bauer, Mathias
Freeden, Willi
Jacobi, Hans
Neu, Thomas
Production key figures for planning the mining of manganese nodules
Journal Article (2018)
Volkmann, Sebastian Ernst
Lehnen, Felix