Research: Responsible Mining Practices
As the world’s population grows and demands for prosperity increase, so does the demand for mineral raw materials. Humanity is thus facing the challenge of achieving socially responsible, environmentally compatible and economic extraction and supply of raw materials for all. The complex interrelationships of sustainable raw material extraction and supply demand creative solutions through interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research. This is precisely where the Institute of Mineral Resources Engineering (MRE) makes its research contribution on responsible mining practices. Under the guiding principle of sustainability, the Institute focuses on five key themes. Our philosophy combines these themes and considers the wider community and diverse stakeholder implications, realising pathways and synergies for the responsible mine of the future.
Theme 1: Waste, Water and Environmental Management
Monitoring and measuring environmental media at mine sites
Theme 2: Transformation Technologies
Digitalisation, novel equipment, optimization of raw material flows and resource efficiencies for mines of the future
Theme 3: Mixed Reality and Imaging
Mixed reality and innovative imaging tools for teaching, training and research in mineral resource science and mining engineering
Theme 4: International Engagement
Cooperation with European and international partners
Theme 5: ESG Standards, Sustainability, Ethics and Society
Managing stakeholder and societal expectations