
Our curriculum is orientated towards the current requirements of a modern raw materials supply. It focusses in particular on the development of sustainable raw materials management and security.

Based on the classic subject areas of mining science such as mining methods, tunnelling and extraction technology in underground and surface raw material extraction, the ecologically and socially relevant aspects in all phases of raw material extraction are taught in special teaching modules. Courses on the fundamentals of primary resources and raw materials management round off the curriculum.


The MRE offers a broad variety of courses for Mineral Resources Engineering and other degree programs of RWTH Aachen University.

Field Trips

The MRE offers excursions on a regular basis. Destinations in the last years were, among others, New Zealand, Canada or Namibia.

Studying abroad

Resource engineering is an international field and offers many opportunities to gain intercultural experience.


A large part of our students come from the geo-scientific and natural resources programs of the Faculty of Geo Resources and Materials Science. For these students courses are offered in the above mentioned areas as introductory and advanced courses.

Interdisciplinary courses are available to a wider range of students.